
North Omaha Times

Tuesday, March 25, 2025

Did farm subsidies in cities associated with Washington County rise or fall in 2021?

Webp tractor1

Adobe Stock

Adobe Stock

Farms throughout cities in Washington County received $9.9 million less in subsidies in 2021 from the U.S. Department of Agriculture compared to the year before.

In 2021, 584 farmers in cities within Washington County received a total of $6.7 million in 973 farm subsidies, a 59.5% decrease compared to 2020, when the total was $16.7 million in 2,251 farm subsidies.

Though farm subsidies support agriculture in the U.S., pumping $7 trillion into the economy, they are not without controversy.

The American Action Forum discovered that the most highly subsidized crops - corn, soy, wheat, and rice - are often consumed in highly processed ways, which leads to unhealthy eating habits and obesity, while the fruits and vegetables needed for a healthy diet are rarely subsidized.

"We are consuming more calories, fats, sodium, and sugars, and not enough beneficial nutrients and vitamins," Tara O'Neill Hayes wrote. "It is critical that both policymakers and the American public understand the influence that federal agricultural subsidies have on our food supply and diet and, in turn, our nutrition and health."

Farm subsidies have also been criticized for assisting the highest-earning agricultural businesses, not local farmers on their family farms who are barely getting by.

Kimberly Amadeo of The Balance said farmer subsidies "help high-income corporations, not poor rural farmers. Most of the money goes toward large agribusinesses."

The U.S. has provided farm subsidies since the Great Depression to assist farmers who weather price fluctuations and disasters, to help maintain consistent farming across the country.

Farmers and Their Subsidies in Cities Associated with Washington County, Year Over Year
FarmerTotal Received in 2020Total Received in 2021% Difference
Neale Farms Incorporated$139,260$436,149213.2%
George Neale Farm, LLC$14,075$402,2392,757.8%
V Hansen Land & Cattle Company$717,133$258,829-63.9%
Hilgenkamp Farms, Inc.$664,472$204,041-69.3%
Rhea Brothers, GP$441,507$188,139-57.4%
Cem Shaner Farms, LLC$89,790$171,20290.7%
Rogers Sod, LLC$0$100,719--
Richard Andreasen$274,039$92,143-66.4%
JP Olsen Farms, LLC$142,474$87,453-38.6%
McCall Farms$250,105$57,223-77.1%
Jordan Farms, Inc.$74,044$57,147-22.8%
Timothy J. Gregerson$226,210$54,477-75.9%
Lane A. Rogers$198,412$53,957-72.8%
Shaner Family Farm LMT$18,012$51,300184.8%
Gabriel J. Bromm$0$50,304--
Lauri Hill, Inc.$168,324$48,829-71%
Robert J. Vogt$178,095$47,931-73.1%
Northside Farms, Inc.$167,545$47,301-71.8%
Potadle Farms, LLC$173,069$46,937-72.9%
Sidebottom Farms, Inc.$52,220$46,681-10.6%
Rabe Farms, Inc.$95,220$46,342-51.3%
Claus Tiedje$171,913$46,079-73.2%
Hoier Bros PTNP$193,477$44,893-76.8%
TBR, Inc.$517,324$41,976-91.9%
G & G Bottom Farms, LLC$191,185$40,177-79%
Brodersen Farms, Inc.$117,324$39,709-66.2%
Triple T Simmentals$124,699$39,639-68.2%
R & E Land Corporation$36,158$36,1580%
Triple P Dairy Farms, Inc.$65,666$35,686-45.7%
Dunklau Dairy, Inc.$136,030$35,309-74%
ARP Farms, Inc.$121,695$34,760-71.4%
William D. Ruwe$91,276$34,201-62.5%
Customized Cattle Solutions, Inc.$109,911$32,510-70.4%
Lakeview Farm & Livestock Company$33,598$32,354-3.7%
L & J Rogers Farms, Inc.$110,856$31,942-71.2%
Roger Chisholm$1,391$31,9022,193.5%
Tim Andersen$107,679$31,344-70.9%
Brandon J Kempcke$40,736$31,252-23.3%
Jeffrey P. Hoier$140,633$30,969-78%
T Max Farms, Inc.$97,330$30,877-68.3%
Jeffrey Kempcke$61,369$30,566-50.2%
Tim Sass$114,101$29,421-74.2%
T & T Trucking, Inc.$33,196$28,615-13.8%
Tyson's, Inc.$71,271$27,908-60.8%
Hoier Cattle, LLC$43,116$27,555-36.1%
Garret John Gregerson$64,913$27,017-58.4%
Gary Donald Lambrecht$179,156$26,225-85.4%
Robert Wilkins and Sons, Inc.$0$26,202--
Randall G. Blomker$71,202$26,153-63.3%
Kent W. Thomas$57,868$25,952-55.2%
Backroad Farms, Inc.$33,393$25,709-23%
Daniel L. Schneider$89,364$25,609-71.3%
Jason Howard Kubie$77,676$25,259-67.5%
Ann Clark$25,198$25,1980%
Dale Clark$25,198$25,1980%
Daniel D. Braesch$65,647$25,076-61.8%
Nelda Carlson$24,988$24,9880%
David P. Nielsen$96,083$24,797-74.2%
Brandt Hansen$88,088$24,460-72.2%
Jarett Andersen$87,733$23,912-72.7%
Larry Hansen Farms, Inc.$106,748$23,607-77.9%
John E. Ray$68,177$23,596-65.4%
Fuchs Farm, Inc.$91,246$23,593-74.1%
Elizabeth Sweeney-Elizabeth Crumb-Sweeney Rev Trustee$23,162$23,1620%
David a Taylor Revocable Trust$91,847$22,846-75.1%
John P. Grabow$23,283$22,767-2.2%
Hoegermeyer Farms, Inc.$230,212$21,948-90.5%
Greg Petersen$78,047$21,499-72.5%
Potadle and Potadle, LLC$78,928$21,480-72.8%
Jeannine M. Jones$16,378$21,46531.1%
Verdell Gnuse$87,532$21,349-75.6%
H&VW, LLC$20,910$20,9100%
Ronald Dean Marquardt$76,906$20,871-72.9%
3 CS, Inc.$85,984$20,514-76.1%
Potadle Brothers$71,935$20,204-71.9%
Bradley O. Wrich$39,714$20,084-49.4%
Mark P. Blackford$51,028$19,784-61.2%
Robert R. Toebben$75,475$19,705-73.9%
Hill Valley Farms, Inc.$79,649$19,523-75.5%
Thomas D. Toebben$68,496$19,110-72.1%
Tyson Farms, Inc.$54,428$18,925-65.2%
Dale M. Hilgenkamp$23,663$18,844-20.4%
Ridgeline Farms, Inc.$82,572$18,691-77.4%
Jeffrey J. Stork$52,024$18,646-64.2%
Adam Wade Behrendt$51,307$18,548-63.8%
Keith F. Ahrens$68,989$18,482-73.2%
John A. Thomsen$80,363$18,264-77.3%
G and G Land and Livestock, Inc.$64,534$18,025-72.1%
Carolyn M Larsen Estate$0$18,015--
John Hilgenkamp$70,788$17,932-74.7%
Steve Hilgenkamp$70,764$17,932-74.7%
RJ Acres, Inc.$48,665$17,858-63.3%
Nancy Jane Tyson Revocable Trust$27,787$17,658-36.5%
Shevon Koger$17,572$17,5720%
Mark R. Thompson$68,562$17,544-74.4%
Bruce Camenzind$56,834$17,448-69.3%
Jeff Lauritsen$68,530$17,408-74.6%
Jeremiah G. Blomker$26,016$17,342-33.3%
John W. Tyson$23,751$17,068-28.1%
Bryce Evan Andreasen$55,296$16,868-69.5%
Thomas F. Valasek$62,342$16,836-73%
David Ruwe$61,215$16,616-72.9%
Mary Ann Nipp$16,491$16,325-1%
Rhea Realty Company$65,534$16,290-75.1%
Russell Fuchs Farms, Inc.$62,959$16,259-74.2%
Brian Andreasen$56,827$16,007-71.8%
York Creek Red Angus, Inc.$42,929$15,848-63.1%
Paul Kempcke$51,675$15,639-69.7%
Buck A. Hoier$54,950$15,497-71.8%
Rhea Farms, Inc.$75,820$15,389-79.7%
Hilltop Dairy, Inc.$43,838$15,207-65.3%
Scott A. Thomsen$52,996$15,014-71.7%
Jeffrey Quist$60,573$14,846-75.5%
Paul Rasmussen$58,284$14,618-74.9%
Ray Lynn Kundel$22,602$14,584-35.5%
Green K, Inc.$59,769$14,567-75.6%
K Goose, LLC$17,286$14,504-16.1%
Mardell Enterprises, LLP$11,456$14,31725%
Jason John Cloudt$6,263$14,136125.7%
Marco T. Digiorgio$13,966$13,9660%
Jason a Lorsch$43,250$13,965-67.7%
Dale H. Smith$11,128$13,87824.7%
Scott Logemann$47,916$13,865-71.1%
KDM Farms, Inc.$51,721$13,606-73.7%
Ted Japp$16,017$13,595-15.1%
Homestead Divide, LLC$28,901$13,568-53.1%
Russell Hilgenkamp$35,791$13,503-62.3%
High Country, Inc.$20,496$13,332-35%
The Picton Family Trust$13,094$13,092-0%
Larry Oerman$44,712$13,039-70.8%
Jon D Sonderup$48,403$13,011-73.1%
Shamburg Partnership, LLC$43,603$12,989-70.2%
KTC Farms - Taylor Family Farms LLC, LLC$0$12,962--
Betty J Heinssen$21,724$12,931-40.5%
Bruce R. Kies$49,015$12,871-73.7%
Michael Kahnk$50,237$12,777-74.6%
Chris M. Petersen$46,966$12,658-73%
Sazaco Consulting and Farms, Inc.$15,678$12,370-21.1%
Brian Larsen$44,489$12,232-72.5%
Roger A. Larsen$44,489$12,232-72.5%
G Dunklau, Inc.$51,064$12,219-76.1%
Kenneth Hansen$14,144$12,170-14%
G Philip Kempcke$39,438$12,085-69.4%
Stork Farms, Inc.$5,579$12,055116.1%
Ronnie D. Hilgenkamp$0$12,022--
HCJ Holdings$0$11,914--
Gary V Mathiesen Living Trustee$28,603$11,889-58.4%
Eldon Stork$41,618$11,800-71.6%
David Mohr$29,098$11,755-59.6%
Bruce Skinner$44,863$11,670-74%
Hillcreek, Inc.$43,791$11,655-73.4%
Richard W Kruse Revocable Trust Agreement$0$11,593--
Grefe Farms, LLP$3,834$11,578202%
Craig D. Schmidt$38,315$11,571-69.8%
Todd G. Cornwell$34,508$11,449-66.8%
Earl Larsen$41,677$11,310-72.9%
Jeffrey Von Behrendt$29,844$11,124-62.7%
William Bryan Carter$10,816$10,9631.4%
Shane C. Claeys$5,332$10,859103.7%
Tyler J. Dunklau$14,807$10,818-26.9%
Gene H. Soll$13,558$10,804-20.3%
Jay P. Hovendick$33,677$10,745-68.1%
Anderson Bros, Inc.$24,599$10,689-56.5%
James W. Scheer$32,362$10,633-67.1%
Checkrow Planter, Inc.$43,211$10,388-76%
Trevor Gnuse$38,432$10,386-73%
Edward H. Peterson$25,178$10,386-58.7%
Sorensen Brothers$41,153$10,150-75.3%
Wayne H. Dreessen$39,704$10,077-74.6%
Robert L. Fuchs$38,760$10,071-74%
Joseph W Fryman Revocable Trust$47,938$10,060-79%
Rennea a Jensen-Brown$9,917$9,9170%
Steven R. Hansen$0$9,807--
Randall Rasmussen$30,318$9,712-68%
Bruce R. Larsen$44,674$9,667-78.4%
Keith a Andersen Revocable Trust$32,297$9,665-70.1%
ARP Cattle Company$31,076$9,560-69.2%
Robert D. Pfeiffer$41,179$9,432-77.1%
OHL Frost Farm, Inc.$0$9,364--
Newkirk Farms, Inc.$34,600$9,270-73.2%
Silver Creek Lane, LLC$0$9,219--
Beverly Deitering$9,543$9,161-4%
Justin Thomas Stork$18,220$9,059-50.3%
RJW Rvoc Trust$31,368$8,934-71.5%
Shawn Klabunde$1,103$8,816699.3%
Vicky L. Kellogg$5,739$8,79053.2%
Roger P. Ruwe$13,234$8,761-33.8%
Sandra L Boquet Revocable Trust$7,270$8,75220.4%
Sperling Brothers$60,588$8,716-85.6%
Janet Loftis$4,320$8,640100%
Bruce Kempcke$28,363$8,619-69.6%
JTW Farms, Inc.$23,090$8,606-62.7%
Neale G. Shaner$0$8,579--
Laura M. Shaner$0$8,579--
Steve Benoit$10,340$8,520-17.6%
Larry K & Cam Farms, LLC$36,449$8,434-76.9%
Larry Stratbucker$31,202$8,387-73.1%
Daniel Ruwe$12,635$8,383-33.7%
Lorenzen Farms, Inc.$8,236$8,2360%
Daniel E. Meier$31,344$8,229-73.7%
Randy L. Hokamp$26,006$8,103-68.8%
Adam David Maas$32,753$8,046-75.4%
Lonnie D. Rogers$7,824$7,8240%
Gerhart K. Thompson$18,037$7,794-56.8%
E a Krohn & Son, Inc.$8,045$7,755-3.6%
Dorothy F. Olson$13,129$7,740-41%
Julie A. Warden$9,158$7,659-16.4%
Timothy R. Andreasen$27,103$7,411-72.7%
Matt T. Wagner$22,823$7,384-67.6%
James J. Breithaupt$22,737$7,377-67.6%
Susan L Williamson Decedents Trust$0$7,276--
Williamson Survivors Trust$4,327$7,27668.2%
Pearl H a Kundel 1989 Rev Trust$9,921$7,249-26.9%
Jon D and Jean M Katt Revocable Trust$0$7,190--
Cord Scheer$30,607$7,182-76.5%
Bradley M. Youngers$3,451$7,019103.4%
William Japp$17,886$7,015-60.8%
Steven Andreasen$25,475$6,920-72.8%
Melvin Gieselmann$20,301$6,918-65.9%
Donna Mahlendorf$8,142$6,911-15.1%
Dean L. Olson$30,060$6,892-77.1%
James Realph$23,417$6,762-71.1%
Lee L. Petersen$16,232$6,754-58.4%
Matthew Duane Nielsen$25,634$6,645-74.1%
Lois M. Brandt$6,708$6,633-1.1%
Kruger Livestock, Inc.$20,816$6,574-68.4%
Keith R. Westermann$25,026$6,552-73.8%
Todd Schlueter$18,106$6,527-64%
Scott Randall Stork$0$6,357--
Clinton Johnson$22,567$6,254-72.3%
Marvin R. Meier$24,616$6,172-74.9%
Michael T. Grefe$8,127$6,073-25.3%
J & J Middle Creek Farm, LLC$23,200$6,035-74%
Warren D Nielsen Revocable Trust$20,502$6,033-70.6%
Bil-Lo Farm, LLC$26,230$6,028-77%
Steven C Neuverth$21,332$6,016-71.8%
William J. Burdess$6,893$6,006-12.9%
Dan Nixon$13,865$6,000-56.7%
Eric Filows$4,679$5,99628.1%
Grant T. Ray$22,199$5,976-73.1%
Robert Pounds$19,388$5,972-69.2%
Mark Backhuus$19,795$5,939-70%
William O. Rosenau$35,115$5,928-83.1%
Joshua D. Hilgenkamp$12,617$5,907-53.2%
Larry Rinas$22,879$5,902-74.2%
Russell Madsen$7,135$5,880-17.6%
Overland Apiaries, Inc.$23,730$5,801-75.6%
Jason R. Arp$14,043$5,766-58.9%
Garet Erickson Kubie$22,871$5,741-74.9%
Alice L Byers Revocable Trust$17,412$5,727-67.1%
James D. Bartosh$16,283$5,693-65%
Jeanette M. Belik$0$5,645--
Nathan Philip Kempcke$18,725$5,633-69.9%
Roger Barber$18,857$5,598-70.3%
Dave R. Schneider$10,878$5,521-49.2%
Marcus A. McCart$44,949$5,503-87.8%
James R. Duncan and Joann L. Duncan Trust$0$5,425--
Karlene Benson$5,314$5,3140%
Sheets & Madsen, LLC$5,880$5,288-10.1%
Hunter Nohrenberg$10,319$5,280-48.8%
Kenneth and Susan Holstein Family Trust$0$5,257--
Matthew V. Mathiesen$20,671$5,253-74.6%
Warren G. Scheer$20,643$5,208-74.8%
Milo V. Jeppesen$18,876$5,162-72.7%
Andrew Christensen$0$5,144--
James Grabbe$16,770$5,057-69.8%
Donald and Joycelyn Schumacher Revocable Trust Agreement$0$5,036--
Janell Tessari$5,929$5,001-15.7%
Cody Lambrecht$17,077$4,977-70.9%
Ronald Andreasen$22,792$4,940-78.3%
Rick Hilgenkamp$18,505$4,824-73.9%
WHR Enterprises, LLC$15,836$4,779-69.8%
Wesley Andersen$17,684$4,753-73.1%
Terry L. Cameron$21,965$4,729-78.5%
Corn Queen Limited Partnership$11,938$4,659-61%
Michael P. Freburg$10,915$4,617-57.7%
Barreras Family Farm, LLC$0$4,587--
Douglas Andrew Demers$17,987$4,567-74.6%
Cody Erickson$0$4,477--
Fitzgerald Farms$7,749$4,426-42.9%
Bret L. Brodersen$12,363$4,405-64.4%
Sarah J. Brodersen$12,363$4,405-64.4%
Box Lake Cattle Company, LLC$10,068$4,364-56.7%
Steven Mencke$7,325$4,354-40.6%
Gary Hilgenkamp-Hilgenkamp Revocable Trust$0$4,330--
Laura L Thayer-Mencke$0$4,330--
John Forsen$41,915$4,318-89.7%
Todd A. Smith$17,763$4,305-75.8%
David A. Bloemer$4,262$4,2620%
KTB&N, LLC$0$4,224--
6-H Porkers, Inc.$0$4,224--
Mack H. Cameron$19,477$4,183-78.5%
Saylor Family Farm, LLC$2,091$4,182100%
Rhea Cattle Company$16,458$4,148-74.8%
Larry Kriete$15,425$4,106-73.4%
Patrick Thomas Meads$11,804$4,097-65.3%
Bill D. Brown$3,034$4,08534.6%
Scott L. Hicks$12,876$4,080-68.3%
Don C. Sundell$4,745$4,032-15%
Gary L Gieselmann$11,614$4,002-65.5%
Thomas Monke$12,177$3,961-67.5%
Michael Paul Fuchs$0$3,956--
Larry Willmott$9,578$3,943-58.8%
Justin M. Mantz$10,933$3,893-64.4%
Kester Herefords, LLC$0$3,874--
James D. Nielsen$13,644$3,863-71.7%
Robert E Masters Trustee Estate$0$3,829--
Beverly Anderson$13,019$3,810-70.7%
Tom A. Anderson$14,894$3,810-74.4%
Neal Frederick Schumacher$8,353$3,795-54.6%
Burmeister Farms, Inc.$12,827$3,768-70.6%
Greg Christiansen$5,600$3,759-32.9%
Russell Detjens$11,220$3,571-68.2%
Hansen Land & Cattle, LLC$4,931$3,544-28.1%
Todd Andersen$12,516$3,506-72%
James W. Jensen$5,126$3,492-31.9%
Brian Shald$3,452$3,4520%
Dibben Marjorie L Living Trust$8,289$3,445-58.4%
Ethan J. Petersen$16,443$3,418-79.2%
VMJ, LLC$13,297$3,417-74.3%
Fairway Investments, Inc.$11,494$3,406-70.4%
Lynn Eicke$0$3,391--
W & H Dreessen Farms$7,708$3,383-56.1%
Justin Kies$8,832$3,375-61.8%
Dave Schenck$3,403$3,325-2.3%
SKF Land Group, LLC$3,276$3,2760%
Lippincott Farms, Inc.$13,061$3,233-75.2%
Pamla Jensen$5,811$3,226-44.5%
Monte L. Laaker$0$3,175--
Karen Hilgenkamp$11,200$3,161-71.8%
Nathan Russell Hilgenkamp$11,682$3,161-72.9%
Kenneth C. Olson$3,146$3,1460%
Ronald Frahm$5,733$3,129-45.4%
Robert E. McNew Jr.$8,808$3,078-65.1%
Dakay, Inc.$40,717$3,076-92.4%
Michael R. Schnuelle$0$3,070--
Abiwill, LLC$11,068$3,064-72.3%
Gieselmann Family Farms Limited Partnership$0$3,018--
Joshua E. Grabbe$6,333$3,011-52.5%
CS Metz Bros, Inc.$9,841$2,986-69.7%
Robert E Sweeney Revocable Trust$9,018$2,980-67%
Jilann M Vacek$2,977$2,9770%
Mark J. Vacek$2,977$2,9770%
Kenneth Greunke$10,421$2,950-71.7%
Maria Hammang Rev Trust Maria Hammang$0$2,950--
Kenneth Kerstetter$5,655$2,935-48.1%
Ward Brothers, LLC$6,260$2,926-53.3%
Gary D. Schmidt$9,220$2,901-68.5%
Tom H. Dein$19,851$2,863-85.6%
H. M. Shields$2,842$2,8420%
Jeff Hallstrom$2,828$2,8280%
Mark Grabbe$12,407$2,780-77.6%
Jeene M Hobbs$4,122$2,768-32.8%
Duane J. Vogt$9,499$2,752-71%
Garry W. Kraft$2,490$2,73910%
Dennis L. Carlson$11,573$2,666-77%
Lowell Kempcke$6,978$2,652-62%
Jenson's Shires$0$2,644--
Stan J-Sons Farms Limited Partnership$0$2,644--
Sweeney Family, LLC$13,204$2,643-80%
Mitch Sorensen$8,570$2,630-69.3%
Scott E. Camenzind$9,487$2,618-72.4%
Tri-N, Inc.$9,729$2,613-73.1%
Arnold J. Otte$9,265$2,612-71.8%
Dale Throener$12,427$2,574-79.3%
Kent E Tjardes$0$2,573--
Lowell Sorensen$8,012$2,571-67.9%
Jean D Jordan Living Trust$9,798$2,556-73.9%
Ryan Sass$5,455$2,550-53.3%
William Wolf$8,682$2,530-70.9%
William C. Lippincott$9,213$2,526-72.6%
Roger D Mathiesen Living Trust$2,556$2,518-1.5%
Lee A. Bigelow$0$2,512--
Russell L. Nelsen$10,498$2,495-76.2%
Mark - R. Mark Allen and Martha M. Allen Allen$0$2,472--
Rita Larsen$4,774$2,445-48.8%
Gregory Hoegermeyer$9,798$2,406-75.4%
Brian L. Laaker$12,238$2,398-80.4%
Buckeye Farms, Inc.$2,353$2,3530%
David L. Zima$2,330$2,3300%
Barry Kolterman$2,327$2,3270%
Tom Houser$2,299$2,2990%
Orville a Mengedoht$6,960$2,283-67.2%
Steve Probst$3,471$2,274-34.5%
Taylor Farms, LLC$8,921$2,243-74.9%
Luke A. Hazuka$2,228$2,2280%
Gary Kirch$7,990$2,207-72.4%
Mitchell L Rahlfs and Mary Jean Rahlfs Revocable Trust$0$2,204--
Kevin K Schwedhelm$6,929$2,202-68.2%
Michael J. Fitzgerald$9,561$2,196-77%
Terry Lee Schumacher$10,210$2,177-78.7%
Josh Christensen$0$2,158--
Richard J. Rasmussen$2,065$2,0650%
Anthony Lawrence Barreras$5,289$2,050-61.2%
Steve Hytrek$17,332$2,038-88.2%
Kevin Wiemer$6,526$2,031-68.9%
Chad M. Nelson$4,168$2,026-51.4%
Donn J. Penke$4,795$2,014-58%
James L Bohaboj$7,921$1,977-75%
Benjamin R. Deutschman$0$1,974--
Vernon a Geisler Living Revocable Trust Agreement$0$1,950--
Paul W Stranghoener & Jayne I Stranghoener Trustee$0$1,939--
Myra M Larsen Rev Trust$5,790$1,928-66.7%
Benjamin R. Wilkins$7,099$1,915-73%
Lila Gosker$4,003$1,902-52.5%
Richard M. Wardell$8,560$1,894-77.9%
Timothy L. Goede$2,596$1,885-27.4%
Nancy Snider$756$1,867147%
Dale Eurek$1,849$1,8490%
Zach Erickson$5,754$1,837-68.1%
Bon-Te Farms, LLC$7,474$1,826-75.6%
Darlene Holmberg$0$1,804--
Joel J. Tyson$0$1,797--
Joel J. Tyson$4,916$1,797-63.4%
Dawn Branz$1,484$1,76619%
Byron McCune$4,133$1,762-57.4%
Cody Tyson$4,527$1,759-61.1%
Mark A. Inserra$7,901$1,757-77.8%
Adam J. Wrich$8,635$1,731-80%
RJT Elkhorn River Ranch, LLC$77,629$1,724-97.8%
Bernard Lee Clements$4,927$1,720-65.1%
Jeffrey Cameron$5,787$1,709-70.5%
Dennis Zolck SR$0$1,704--
Blake Michael Wakefield$5,683$1,695-70.2%
Grant T. Kubie$5,877$1,693-71.2%
Keith Rahlfs$4,933$1,678-66%
John P Masters JR$5,944$1,674-71.8%
Delores J. Drew$6,260$1,663-73.4%
Lisa Rigby Trust$1,618$1,6180%
Jethro, LLC$5,107$1,594-68.8%
Brian E. Johnson$3,533$1,590-55%
Little Mountain Ranch and Garden, LLC$0$1,590--
Curt Thomas$1,584$1,5840%
Leo C Luetticke$0$1,557--
David Petersen$3,488$1,553-55.5%
Jason Japp$3,213$1,550-51.8%
William Japp Jr.$3,213$1,550-51.8%
Oscar's Farm, LLC$6,027$1,543-74.4%
Jake Austin Depperman$0$1,540--
Stephen Blankenship$3,296$1,531-53.5%
Duane D. Lasher$0$1,493--
Jack L Lorsch Revocable Trust$4,618$1,468-68.2%
Russell George Christensen$5,382$1,437-73.3%
Charlee Beth Potadle$5,746$1,414-75.4%
Grant Gilbert Potadle$1,284$1,41410.1%
Cory Nixon$2,922$1,412-51.7%
Kaija, LLC$3,905$1,385-64.5%
June G. Meier$5,507$1,348-75.5%
Jon Conety$1,498$1,319-11.9%
Johnathan O'Dell$2,356$1,316-44.1%
Gage G Hoegermeyer$1,130$1,30915.8%
Elaine Schleis$0$1,303--
R M Stigge Farm, Inc.$0$1,295--
Jeffrey J. Christensen$1,292$1,2920%
Roger Bruce Osmanson$1,287$1,2870%
Ronald D. Depperman$4,618$1,286-72.2%
TLC Farm, LLC$5,001$1,281-74.4%
Mertin Opfer$1,265$1,2650%
Eugene Gnuse$0$1,171--
Abby Jo Sheets$663$1,16575.7%
John H. Wilkening$4,681$1,160-75.2%
Greg Nieto$1,154$1,1540%
Wayne Dein$3,205$1,142-64.4%
FC Development, LLC$3,525$1,092-69%
Richard M Perchal$3,107$1,091-64.9%
Matthew David Hilgenkamp$4,789$1,083-77.4%
Albert F. Hammang$1,537$1,073-30.2%
Annette F. Rhea$4,754$1,066-77.6%
Mary J. Chisholm$1,391$1,058-23.9%
Walter a Sass Revocable Living Trust Agreement$0$1,042--
Ronnie Ruenholl$2,345$1,034-55.9%
Byron R. Peterson$3,526$1,033-70.7%
Fred E. Anderson and Mary E. Anderson Trust$0$1,022--
Brian R. Frost$16,736$1,014-93.9%
Ruth Gibbs$2,008$1,002-50.1%
Russell Quinn$1,049$982-6.4%
James Foley$2,555$976-61.8%
Norman D Larson and Rosemary a Larson Family Trust$0$975--
Mary Lou Chapek Revocable Trust$933$9330%
Roger N. Andreasen$1,852$930-49.8%
Taylor James Majerus$0$930--
ARP Land, Inc.$0$928--
Joel T. Bacon$3,606$920-74.5%
Zachary Royuk$5,076$917-81.9%
Robert Petersen$3,144$916-70.9%
Veh Farm, LLC$831$9018.4%
Kevin Rolland$3,412$900-73.6%
Terry Kuhr$3,198$896-72%
Tim Kuhr$3,214$896-72.1%
Lance Dunker$4,828$889-81.6%
Wolf Brothers$3,199$883-72.4%
Jeremy Kies$3,254$872-73.2%
Marian Madsen$1,467$848-42.2%
Jeffrey D. Warren$10,851$845-92.2%
Carol J. Vogt$1,701$842-50.5%
Wayne Royuk$840$8400%
Mark Rhoades$837$8370%
Paul J. Peters$677$82321.6%
Fred Wild$2,287$807-64.7%
Berkely L Wolf Irrevocable Trust$2,589$803-69%
Marvin H Rohwer Trust Agreement of 1998$0$802--
Jason Mackeprang$791$7910%
Richard Kenkel$279$782180.3%
Andy Bowser$0$775--
Jeff L. Pruess$752$7520%
Chris Fleischman$10,589$734-93.1%
Dennis J. Bracht$1,892$717-62.1%
Calli Soll$1,349$710-47.4%
Carr Properties, LLC$1,770$707-60.1%
Ronald L Novero-Novero Revocable Trust$0$672--
Elim Lutheran Church$0$672--
Christopher M. Booth$0$641--
Christyn L Stumps$524$63621.4%
Keith J. Paar$2,606$636-75.6%
Dane Garrett Hansen$1,250$632-49.4%
Gary and Theresa Riibe Revocable Trust$0$622--
Merle H Petersen Rev Trust$611$6110%
Katie C. Mantz$1,653$597-63.9%
Myrna Brown-Brown Revocable Trust$1,702$586-65.6%
Derald Burgess - Burgess Family Revocable Trust$0$580--
Steve Wehrli$564$5640%
Craig A. Warden$1,606$551-65.7%
James M. Pounds$1,134$545-51.9%
B. E. Morrissey$545$542-0.6%
Stavely J. Wright$0$540--
Virginia L Rhoades Living Trust$1,375$536-61%
Jacqueline E. Goetz$3,664$519-85.8%
Jim Dein$1,402$516-63.2%
Dane Chapman$858$508-40.8%
Susie Christensen$1,796$480-73.3%
Dawn Nielsen$380$47926.1%
Richard L. Hansen$1,832$476-74%
Jeffrey Bledsoe$1,335$461-65.5%
Roger Wrich$792$448-43.4%
CSM Enterprises, LLC$954$442-53.7%
Dan Magill$3,919$412-89.5%
Timothy Landsperger$1,843$393-78.7%
Roger J. Larsen$4,642$380-91.8%
Sandra J Boeschling$858$376-56.2%
Frederick J Gordon and Sharon J Gordon Family Trus$0$354--
Max Christopher Hansen$1,282$336-73.8%
Carol Muths Sperry$332$3320%
Mitchell Barney$523$327-37.5%
Cameron Feed Company$664$320-51.8%
Jerry Taylor$1,345$317-76.4%
Alan L. Fluckey$508$317-37.6%
Justin Grabbe$1,962$310-84.2%
Richard Schlenker$785$310-60.5%
Radler Farm$326$306-6.1%
Joe A. Peterson$34$296770.6%
Brian Mahaffey$221$29533.5%
Susan Yvonne Barker$291$2910%
Teresa Beebe$1,500$288-80.8%
Raymond Thompson$0$286--
Rebecca Kathleen Steckler$297$285-4%
Sandra N. Thompson$0$261--
Douglas T. Nelsen$725$259-64.3%
Lyle Sass$0$250--
LWM Farms, LLC$1,013$231-77.2%
Gerald Gross$3,864$212-94.5%
Papio Farms, Inc.$202$2020%
Boots & Bare Roots, LLC$0$170--
Harry Navrude$573$166-71%
Roland R Davis and Geraldine a Davis Trust$0$148--
Kenneth Hunt$1,216$132-89.1%
Mark Jacob Rauert$4,695$126-97.3%
Tom Andersen$93$12433.3%
Gordon Husk$1,926$111-94.2%
Ron D. Hansen$297$109-63.3%
Ruth M Ronning Revocable Trust$739$102-86.2%
Nancy Maloney$318$102-67.9%
Ronald E. Hineline$275$100-63.6%
Blair Boquet$851$85-90%
Connie Cheek$204$74-63.7%
Scott Hoffschneider$915$60-93.4%
Kristie Thompson$85$54-36.5%
Shawn Satorie$2,571$54-97.9%
Kathryn Ann Wirsen$686$45-93.4%
Marquardt Family Trust$317$37-88.3%
Julie Kuhr$60$33-45%
Carolyn M. Larsen$17,702$31-99.8%
Drew Aaron Jenson$0$24--
Dan L. MacDonald$891$9-99%
Gene Ohrt$11$1-90.9%
Anderson Family Trust$2,027$0-100%
Annette Renken$2,984$0-100%
Chad A. Lingenfelter$1,121$0-100%
Cody Erickson$12,567$0-100%
Ellen E Greunke Family Trust$3,767$0-100%
Eugene Gnuse$4,501$0-100%
Gary Hilgenkamp-Hilgenkamp Revoca$16,540$0-100%
Gene Kay$54$0-100%
Michael J. Lewis$60$0-100%
Janet K. Warner$3,049$0-100%
Jeff Rabe$907$0-100%
John P. Neary$1,243$0-100%
Julie Johnson$4$0-100%
Leona R. Lundgren$56$0-100%
Lila Petersen$738$0-100%
Loretta Mae Hilgenkamp$973$0-100%
Luther Greunke$24$0-100%
Maria Hammang Rev Trust Maria Ha$13,324$0-100%
Mark E. Johnson$5$0-100%
Michael P. Fuchs$15,136$0-100%
Orvin Scheer$4,913$0-100%
Paul W Stranghoener & Jayne I STR$7,696$0-100%
Percheron Holdings, LLC$1,986$0-100%
Priscilla Nadeen Boettger Revocab$2,510$0-100%
Quality Swine, Inc.$21,543$0-100%
Robert D Boettger Revocable Trust$10,105$0-100%
Ronnie D. Hilgenkamp$21,601$0-100%
Ruby Hagerbaumer$119$0-100%
Rusty Hilgenkamp$12,034$0-100%
Ruth V Falk Conduit Trust$878$0-100%
Wayne W Falk Conduit Trust$878$0-100%
Andersen Farms, Ltd.$24,807$0-100%
Arlan H Schmidt Revocable Trust$734$0-100%
Bair Farms$1,686$0-100%
Blake M. Denton$346$0-100%
Caleb Pokorny$2,405$0-100%
Carol Heinssen$542$0-100%
Chad Freudenburg$1,117$0-100%
Commodity Credit Corporation$61,105$0-100%
D Financial, Inc.$3,960$0-100%
Dale A. Hagedorn$5,870$0-100%
Dana J Wolf and Arlene J Wolf Fam$231$0-100%
David Gill$1,199$0-100%
Debra A. Tyler$658$0-100%
Derald Burgess - Burgess Family R$1,762$0-100%
ETJ, LLC$2,872$0-100%
Frederick J Gordon and Sharon J G$566$0-100%
Gaskill Irrevocable Family Trust$317$0-100%
Gieselmann Family Farms Limited P$11,085$0-100%
Gwenette J Ferry Rev Trust$752$0-100%
Harland I Safley and Darlene P Safley Family Trust$135$0-100%
Jason Kubie$21,090$0-100%
Kenneth and Susan Holstein Family$27,894$0-100%
KTC Farms - Taylor Family Far, LLC$20,280$0-100%
Larry Dein Jr.$1,047$0-100%
Leon D. Leishman$11,088$0-100%
Linda Woodring$453$0-100%
Lloyd Shepard$601$0-100%
Lynetta Bair$953$0-100%
Marguerite B Koehler Trust$2,392$0-100%
Mark - R. Mark Allen and Martha M$9,150$0-100%
Martin G. Masek$553$0-100%
Michael W. Jones$2,667$0-100%
Mitchell L Rahlfs and Mary Jean R$1,102$0-100%
Norman D Larson and Rosemary a LA$2,455$0-100%
Oryl L Fischer and Marilyn Fische$1,262$0-100%
OTT Farms Partnership$254$0-100%
Patrick Salsbury$543$0-100%
Randall Hodgson$2,541$0-100%
Robert Borgelt$5,774$0-100%
Robert E Masters Trust Estate$3,573$0-100%
Robert R. Johnston$87$0-100%
Roland R Davis and Geraldine a Da$322$0-100%
Rosenbaum Livestock, LLC$11,559$0-100%
Sandra Boquet$1,482$0-100%
Scott Stork$28,240$0-100%
Shiang Min Wang$1,258$0-100%
Stan J-Sons Farms, Inc.$757$0-100%
Stan J-Sons Farms Limited Partner$7,032$0-100%
Susan M. Beckner$534$0-100%
Vesta J. Thompson$182$0-100%
Donna Dickman$473$0-100%
Donna Jean Welchert$431$0-100%
James and Joann Duncan Living Trustee$6,346$0-100%
Judi Seaver$581$0-100%
Laura L Williamson Thayer-Mencke$2,382$0-100%
Marvin H Rohwer Trust Agreement O$2,760$0-100%
Michael J. Larsen$54,583$0-100%
Richard W Kruse Revocable Trust a$11,593$0-100%
Ronald L Novero-Novero Revocable$3,034$0-100%
Sharry Ringler$119$0-100%
Steve Svoboda$13,732$0-100%
Susan L Williamson Decedents Trus$4,327$0-100%
Gary and Theresa Riibe Revocable$1,418$0-100%
Gary V Mathiesen Living Trust$13,414$0-100%
Joel Loftis$156$0-100%
Jon D and Jean M Katt Revocable T$22,173$0-100%
Lon D. Kuhlmann$589$0-100%
Lorraine Moore$119$0-100%
Richard & Rosamond Reyzlik Irrevo$2,099$0-100%
Vernon a Geisler Living Revocable$10,114$0-100%
Amanda Lambrecht$1,581$0-100%
David M. Olson$4,436$0-100%
Donald and Joycelyn Schumacher Re$17,679$0-100%
Donna Blankenship$55$0-100%
Gary T. Olson$831$0-100%
Norma S. Klotz$2,292$0-100%
Phyllis J Nielsen Revocable Trust$557$0-100%
Robert Wilkins and Sons, Inc.$110,425$0-100%
Walter a Sass Revocable Living Trustee$2,884$0-100%
Warren D. Nielsen$228$0-100%
Leroy Moats$92$0-100%
Total subsidies$16,662,831$6,741,929-59.5%


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